Based on the management philosophy and company training, we are promoting CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) management and social contribution activities as one of the pillars of our management policy.

CSR promotion items

    1. Human rights · Workplace
      We respect for human rights as a basis of our corporate activities, respecting each and every person's dignity and personality in company life, promoting the creation of a bright and comfortable workplace.
    2. Ethics / Compliance
      In compliance with laws and regulations and other social norms in business activities, act fairly and equitably, understand its spirit, do not abuse a superior position, strive to provide products of excellent quality and provide services
    3. Health and Safety
      We will strive to improve safety and health of workplaces and facilities, prompt response to occupational accidents, diseases and emergency situations, safety measures of mechanical devices, and health management of employees
    4. Environmental
      We will strive to prevent environmental pollution with the aim of reducing environmental burden. We will comply with environment-related laws and ordinances. Continue to improve the environmental management system
    5. Promote social contribution activities
      As a member of society, we will contribute to society and region.
    6. Respect for intellectual property
      We will properly protect our intellectual property rights and respect intellectual property rights of third parties.
    7. About excellent companies promoting safe bicycle use
      Our company was approved as "Excellent bicycle safety promotion company" from Osaka prefectural police headquarters.

"Bicycle Safety Use Promotion Excellent Companies" is the Certification System Osaka Prefectural Police Authority certifies companies and others actively engaged in bicycle safety use as "excellent bicycle safety promotion company" and raises employees' traffic safety awareness This system aims at reducing traffic accidents in adults with a high percentage of being a party to a bicycle accident by fostering a social moment that strives for safe bicycle use by company.

Bicycle Safety

Social Contribution Activities

Clean-up volunteer activities

We are engaged in cleaning activities around the company once a year.

Clean-up volunteer activities
Beautification campaign

In order to make it a comfortable workplace, we promote beautification campaigns such as planting flowers in each part of the company.

Beautification campaign
Approach to blood donation

Every year since 1985, we accept blood donation buses and conduct group donation.

Disaster dispatch leave system

In the event of a disaster when there is a request for dispatching personnel to our labor union, we set up a disaster dispatch vacation (paid) system that permits temporary staffing with approval from the company, implementing volunteer activities at the disaster area, etc.

Environment improvement activities

We strive to continually save energy, clean up the environment, and reduce the amount of garbage throughout the entire company.

Prevention of global warming (energy conservation)
  • Switch to an eco car such as a hybrid car
  • Encourage idling stop at company visits by company cars and suppliers / shipping companies
  • Utilization of power saving function of personal computer
  • Lighting, power off when air conditioner is not required
  • Implementation of environmentally friendly products (reduction of claims) etc.
Prevention of global warming (energy conservation)
Environment beautification
  • Promote in-house beautification activities, such as planting flowers in the company premises
  • Cleaning the cigarette waste and garbage such as side gutters and sidewalks in front of the company
  • Contribution to local society by cleaning volunteer activities
  • Periodic disinfection and pruning of trees, cleaning of waterways passing through the company premises
Environment beautification
Reduction of garbage
  • Reduction of industrial waste
  • Recycling valuables (paper, cardboard, non ferrous metals, rare metals)
Reduction of garbage

Human resource development (employee education)

Human resource development (employee education) Human resource development (employee education) Human resource development (employee education)

"People" It is "human resources" indispensable for our growth. In order to realize "improvement of customer satisfaction", "happiness of employees", "contribution to society", we conduct hierarchical training (improvement / problem solving training, target management training, etc.) We are implementing "voluntary active personnel" training that thinks and acting on our own by all grades and supports the growth of each employee. In addition to OJT through business, OFF-JT support for self-growth is also available.

Our education system
  1. Strengthen training of spontaneous active personnel
  2. Improvement of basic knowledge of employees through stratified education
  3. Improve professional skills through internal departmental education
  4. Professional skill transfer of professional skills
Content of education
  1. Employee image training required by us
    The employee image aimed at practicing our management philosophy and company training is "voluntary active human resources" who think and act oneself.
    1. Human resources who proactively challenge themselves in anything.
    2. Human resources to fulfill their responsibilities.
    3. Human resources that will continue to aim for self-capacity and new field development.
    In order to train such human resources, we provide hints and thought points for awareness, change the theme of the training each year to increase the "creativity, autonomy, autonomy" as well as to derive the possibility of the person and target all employees
  2. General education
    1. New employee training objective:
      To comprehensively understand our company's summary, to provide basic and general knowledge as employees and to train the spirit and sense of responsibility as a member of the company.
    2. Purpose of training according to hierarchy (grade):
      To train knowledge, skills, capabilities, etc. necessary for executing expected roles for each grade.
    3. Promotion / Promoter Training Objective:
      As a promoter or promoter, let them self-recognize the knowledge, capabilities and position, etc. required for the execution of work according to each grade and each office worker, and at the same time as the spirit of cooperation as a member of the organization
    4. Divisional educational objective:
      To improve capacity improvement, such as acquisition of specialized knowledge and special skills necessary for business execution in each department.
  3. Specialized education (skill improvement education, technical skill training, various external training etc.)
    Purpose: In order to acquire and improve expert knowledge and special skills etc deemed necessary by each department or company.
  4. Special education
    1. Various licenses / qualification related courses
      Purpose: Participate in training sessions, etc. necessary for obtaining licenses / qualifications etc. required by laws and regulations, promote the increase of qualified persons and facilitate their own work and employees'
    2. Common education for all duties (Personnel system training, ISO training, safety and health training, etc.)
      Objective: To acquire the basic knowledge necessary for executing company policies, systems and company-wide tasks and raising awareness of all employees. Target audience: All employees.
    3. Evaluator training
      objective: To be aware of the basic knowledge necessary for understanding and execution of the personnel evaluation system and the attentiveness as an evaluator etc.
Human resource development (employee education) Human resource development (employee education)